Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Erysimum (Gr) A name used by the Greek philosopher Theophrastus
(perennial wallflowers).
Smyrnaeum (L) Described from the vicinity of Smyrna (Izmir).
General description:- Biennial.
1) Up to 60 cm, with prominent ridges; hairs (3)4- to 5(6)-fid.
1) Basal, pectinate-pinnatifid, usually dead at anthesis.
2) Cauline, 30-60 x 3-7(-10) mm, oblong, sinuate-dentate to entire, green.
3) Often with irregular, 2-pointed teeth.
1) Pedicels, 2-4 mm in flower, up to 8 mm in fruit.
2) Sepals, 6-8 mm.
3) Petals, 12-14 x 3-3·5 mm, yellow, pubescent on the back.
4) Style, 0·5-1·5 mm.
1) Siliqua, 40-70 x 1-1·5 mm, forming an angle of 40°-6O° with the axis, with mainly
3- or 4-rayed hairs.
Key Features:-
1) Middle cauline leaves, entire to coarsely sinuate-dentate, not divided to more
than 1/3 of the way to the mid-vein.
2) Hairs on the leaves mostly 4- or 5-fid.
3) Stems, with prominent ridges.
Habitat:- Field margins, dry pastures andruderal habitats, 200-1000m.
Distribution:- In Greece known only from Kos, and a recent collection from W.
Crete. - Through Anatolia and Lebanon to Mt. Hermon.
Flowering time:- Mar-May.
Photos by:- Ron Frumkin - Courtesy Creative Commons.